A Female Human Rights Organisation

Created in 2005, WACameroon is a female human rights organizations dedicated to protecting and promoting the rights of women and children, orphans, People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA), widows, physically challenged and other vulnerable groups.

Gender and Human Rights

- WACameroon work with community stakeholders to revise policies that are gender insensitive and that could breed Human Rights violations.

- Empower perpetrators of GBV to become advocates of gender equality and promoters of women and girls rights in the society/community.

- Empower women and girls to take up leadership positions and fight for their rights in the community/society.

- Encourage girl child education through gender equitable socialization among boys and girls in schools, communities and religious structures.  

Governance and Participation

- Encourage women’s participation in politics at all levels.

- Empower women economically through income generating activities, start-up capital for business, placement in vocational training centres, etc so that they can be financially independent and be able to compete with their male counterparts.

- Build leadership skills in women through education, active involvement in leadership contest at all levels.

Environmental Protection

- Ensure hygiene and sanitation through education, awareness raising and behavior change communication.

- Improve bio-environment through education on the use of organic and environmental friendly chemicals in crop production.

- Protecting aquatic and land environment through multi-stakeholders involvement in solid and liquid waste management.

Health and HIV/AIDS

- Improve maternal and infant health through community outreach programs,

- Improve Sexual and Reproductive health of women and girls through education, awareness creation, improved access and usage of Reproductive services.

- Prevention of HIV infection among target population (Women, children, men and adolescents through education, awareness creation, behavior change communication, access to services.

- Improve health status of People Living With HIV/AIDS, through education, healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, increase access to medication, etc.


Adolescent Sexuality and Reproductive Health and Rights Education

“I received no other method of discipline from my mom than beatings and abuses”.  Thelma recounted.

Thelma Bright Lemnwie Nji is the firstborn to the Nji’s family. Born 18 years ago, the past three years had been very trying for her and her mother as they keep playing the cat and the dog game. Her activities made her mother think she’s been possessed.

Because of this belief, she sought solutions from Reverend Pastors, Fathers, and prophets. Read More

Graciana’s Bold Step Opens Doors for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Njimafor Catholic Community

It is generally understood that the Roman Catholic Church has ever remained much closed when it comes to the issue of sexuality education and birth ,control. The Church is intransigent about the use of any form of contraception, be it for birth control or disease prevention. This firm stand has often been a big challenge to penetrating Catholic circles with useful sexuality education especially targeting young people despite available evidence that this could lead to Read More

WACameroon instills proper waste management techniques in Bamenda II Municipality

“I’ve been living here for the past 20 years and Bamenda City used to be a citadel admired by most visitors for its outstanding cleanliness, but over the past two years the filthy dumpsters that littered our streets have not only made my children develop respiratory problems, but also produced pungent smell making our once envied City, a no visit City” Nde Helen explained. The upsurge of the Anglophone crisis, causing intense influx of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), institution...  Read More..


"Women in Action against Gender-based Violence (WACameroon) is a recognized multiple award-winning Women-led organization both nationally and internationally in the promotion of Gender Equality cutting across SRHR, political participations, economic empowerment and environmental protection. It promotes rights and responsibilities of local residents to determine effectively and collectively the change they desire in their communities through social mobilization, active engagement and promoting accountable in governance. I admire their non-violent approach of empowering and engaging GBV perpetrators in promoting Gender Equality in the society."

Sylvester AKUMBU TOH

Sylvester AKUMBU TOH


I have been collaborating with WACameroon for more than 10 years through my career of serving the government as Divisional and Regional Delegate in the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF), and I found in them the zeal to promote a gender just society through multiple approaches including leadership for citizen led development in the promotion of Gender, Health, Political Participation, Economic Empowerment and Environmental Protection, Hygiene and Sanitation. Their approaches have generated interesting results that have made them multiple award winners from Local, National and International scene. They master collaboration with stakeholders and as one of their collaborators I can testify that the community has gained a lot from their actions in the field.




While a student in Form 5 in the year 2015, I was opportune to be trained as a Peer Educator on adolescent SRHR through one of WACameroon’s project titled “Safe the Adolescence and Young Womanhood”. I was amazed how SRHR was presented and it was my first time of being exposed to such an important thematic to adolescents and I being someone dreaming to acquire terminal degree with huddles of adolescent’s challenges on my path. I emerged with skills such as public speaking, mobilization, leadership as I was functioning as peer educators among my peers. This position has spurred me as I found myself changing the lives of my peers and today am advocating for girls. I see this organization as a mentor mentoring adolescent and young girls.





Awondo J. L. Tamukong

Awondo J. L. Tamukong

Founder and CEO

Alieh Gwendoline

Alieh Gwendoline


Ngoran Christabel

Ngoran Christabel

Health Officer

Fombong Comfort

Fombong Comfort

Comm. Officer



Office Adress

Head Office: Mankon, Bamenda. 

P.O Box 363 Mankon, Bamenda

North West Region, Cameroon

Phone Number

(+237) 677 77 83 05

Email Adress

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